What's your Social Media preference?
It used to be simple. MySpace? Cool, add a few friends and maybe get into some coding with some good music... Then Blaow! There you have it... Then it started graduating to kind of targeted social media sites; Various names and purposes, such as separation by ethnicity, region, musical preference etc. Then you have Facebook which started focusing on College students...
Stop! Let's fast forward to today...
What do we have? EVERYTHING... Almost every app is media with social aspects. But where is the focus? What niche sells?
Often we seem to want fast, short content (as seen with vine, Instagram, snapchat, etc)
But we also want to know right then and there... (snapchat, Facebook live, Twitter, etc)
But have we ever found our purpose? At this very moment we don't even know WHY we're actively involved. I think that's part of the brilliance too, because we don't have to have an explanation.
From connecting with old friends, to making new career connections, we can do whatever we want.
However at what cost? Just think... What would you do without social media? I think we'll touch base on this next week... How the lack of a purpose, also leads to a potential lack of a focus... How technology is so amazing, but the overabundance can also help create a sense of being stagnant if you're misguided.