None illa Official Website

Home of Artist & Future Music Mogul None illa

Official website of aspiring mogul, artist and motivational speaker None illa.

Your place for up-to-date information on the Mogul Mined Podcast, #MomentOfKnowledge, #LetsTalkMusiq, 2ill Media, and all affiliates.

#MOK thought of the day... use your passion as a gift for someone else

Whatever your passion is, what do you do it for? If you're not pursuing it, why not? and does it benefit others? Like an artist's paintings amaze the viewer's, like a poet's words entice the crowd, like a musicians lyrrlics speak to the soul, like a Doctor heals the world 1 patient at a time....

Are you helping? Your passion may be a gift... get out and start giving....


- None illa


Welcome to 2013

Welcome New and previous followers of this blog. I want to welcome you all to 2013. Lets start the New Year off with positivity. I wanted to give a brief re-introduction to why I created this blog. This blog was created to bring positivity and deep intellectual thought into the world of the followers. Many of us are exposed to so much negativity; at times we forget to acknowledge the positive things around us. Not to mention, I will also expose you to music that I have created, and/or random facts that I have came across in my travels on the Internet.

Life is short and many of us forget to stop and smell the roses. So as we drift off into this year, lets start on a good foot. For those who aren’t familiar with me, I am None illa. I am a hip-hop musician who focuses on daily improvement, not only musically but also in other various aspects of life. Currently pursuing my Bachelor’s of Science in Music Business, and frequently networking with other musically involved people to develop and craft mind-blowing music for the fans to enjoy. I hope that along the way not only do you learn, but that this blog becomes your breath of fresh air.

Welcome to 2013, and the beginning of growth… #Blessed... also keep an eye out for #MOK my Moments of Knowledge... I am here to inspire... Feel free to tag along on this Journey

#MOK Dont Give Up! "Perseverance is key"

Don't Give Up! by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown There was this museum laid with beautiful marble tiles, with a huge marble statue displayed in the middle of the lobby. Many people came from all over the world just to admire this beautiful marble statue.

One night, the marble tiles started talking to the marble statue. Marble tile: "Marble statue, it's just not fair, it's just not fair! why does everybody from all over the world come all the way here just to step on me while admiring you? Not fair!".

Marble statue: "My dear friend, marble tile. Do you still remember that we were actually from the same cave?"

Marble tile: "Yeah! That's why I feel it is even more unfair. We were born from the same cave and yet we receive different treatment now. Not fair!" he cried again.

Marble statue: "Then, do you still remember the day when the designer tried to work on you, but you resisted the tools?"

Marble tile: "Yes, of course I remember. I hate that guy! How could he use those tools on me, it hurt so badly.".

Marble statue: "That's right! He couldn't work on you at all as you resisted being worked on."

Marble tile: "So???"

Marble statue: "When he decided to give up on you and start working on me instead, I knew at once that I would be something different after his efforts. I did not resist his tools, instead I bore all the painful tools he used on me.."

Marble tile: "Mmmmmm......."

Marble statue: "My friend, there is a price to everything in life. Since you decided to give up half way, you can't blame anybody who steps on you now"


Moral of the story: It may take some pain and sacrifice, to get to the finer things in life

Holidays (Holy Days) #FoodForThought

Holidays originated from Holy days. Yet, it seems that it could also be the influence that helps us lack in our positive aspects of our lives. Ever notice how the majority of humans wait for that "specific day" to acknowledge certain things?

We wait until THANKSGIVING to show what we are thankful for.

Wait until CHRISTMAS to give gifts to our loved ones.

Wait until NEW YEARS to give ourselves new goals in life.

Wait until VALENTINES DAY to show our special loved ones how we truly feel.

Wait until BLACK HISTORY MONTH to acknowledge our black entrepreneurs.

Wait until SUNDAYS to show God how grateful we are of his presence

You see the pattern?... we wait until a designated day to show our feelings we keep inside. So in truth, how much of a crutch is some of society's mindset?

Just some food for thought. Feel free to leave comments.

Diamond 'None illa' Davis

Why wait until bad events, to show the good in us?

THIS IS LONG, but WOULD LOVE OPINIONS AND OR A DISCUSSION  I figure now is a good time to let people in on my thoughts... Life... what does it mean to you? and are you fulfilling it. So many of us make careers out of Jobs... and some of us turn passion into a career. Some people turn family into chores, and others turn optional friends into family...   There is never a clear answer, but what makes you different? It takes one disaster whether its mentally, spiritually, physically, or around the world. Then all of a sudden you get steered back on course.   When somethin happens on the EastCoast... do you not call All your family and check up on them? although u havent even thought of them for months. When someone dies from a disease/substance of some sort, do you not rethink your usage and/or living conditions?   The subconcious mind is powerful, your thoughts are already there, but we refuse to tap into it because we are distracted in our progression.   If someone lost their child right now, wouldnt you rethink about the safety of your own son/daughter?   What im saying is... Why wait until the bad happens, to show that there is still some good in you?   imma stop here...   illa

#MOK The Word "Love"?

MOK: A lot of people use the word 'love'... But Love has MANY different  levels. A lot of people have LOVED ones... sometimes they may LOVE ur  shoes/outfit/personality etc... Or ur friends may tell u they LOVE you  because they LIKE you a lot... but in all reality....  When you look into someone's eyes, and tell them you LOVE them or that  you are IN LOVE with them... Thats when the bridge starts unraveling and  when the fire either burns the bridge built in your heart... or it  builds flames around that bridge to keep you protected.   Problem is not a lot of people understand the difference. The one thing that never lies is your emotions.   Maya Angelou Said it best... “I've learned that people will forget what you said,  people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you  made them feel.”   So realize when you grow... Your mentality needs to as well. Keep doin you... but be careful how u treat others in the process.    Diamond aka None illa...

Taken Away

It started off with her...12 years of proper raising... It still continued... A perfect life im chasing... Then family followed trend one by one... then friends started, soon they to were done... Only thing thats lasted is music, pure music... the feeling of a tuned, that caters to your needs... or the melody of the voice, as it rides along the beat... a phone no longer matters... not facebook, twitter, or email... or text, could make it be so she is well... I am starting to see eye to eye with God... I love that I am blessed with this... The only left, is this pen and my thoughts... Now im left with this... When will something be given, and never taken away... true to me and them or just prove their here to stay... It no longer bothers me because it has now become expected... i hate this feeling, but there is no way to protect it... Im blessed, and thank God I am a source to give to wisdom... To help people enjoy their perfect lives, I could help, but never live them...   with this I want to thank you... Im glad I have your ears...   But you soon will also leave, its been that ways for years.     Diamond C Davis.

Today's Society

People are critics. But more of others than themselves. The truly successful people learn to be their own hardest critics rather than others. Learn to appreciate the value of knowledge. Life is way to valuable to spend time worrying about others.


MOK: "The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself" - Benjamin Franklin

I hope my MOK (Moments of Knowledge) help u readjust ur vision. My intentions are no more than 2 find another way 2 inspire those around me

MOK: "There are powers inside of u, which, if u could discover & use, would make of u everything u ever dreamed or imagined u could become"

"Dont ask for permission, ask for forgiveness" so please forgive me, for the future, when I take this industry over. It WILL happen... Soon!

MOK: "I dont tell the truth any more to those who cant make use of it. I tell it mostly to myself, because it always changes me"

MOK: the 'Real' Millionaires don't have to buy flashy gear to prove their rich... Their craft and presence speaks for itself. No gimmicks...

Linked in is now set. On to more networking... Make sure u make a visit bye and check out some stuff about me. Thank you

Just got home... What a great day dealin wit SEESAC. Business as usual, constantly aiming to improve. Nothin standing in my way on this one